05 June 2010

BIG FAT Girl Crushes

Here are a few of my fave pics of hot girls. Yes most of them are British, which is no surprise really, because British girls really know how to push the boundaries.

I love how Mary-Kate Olsen shops at Whole-Foods organic store, yet still smokes a fag outside.

I need these...

Amy my love

04 June 2010

Never Mind the Buzzcocks with Stephen Fry

Best show ever!
It makes me miss living in the UK a lot.

Procrastination= Inspiration

Beautiful Billie Holiday AKA Elinore Harris

Died at 44 of liver failure, due to prolonged drug and alcohol abuse of which she was arrested several times for. I wonder how many people didn't know this, but knew that Amy Winehouse was addicted to crack...

This blog is a bit all over the shop, mainly because it's the result of putting off studying sociology exam bullshit (what is globalisation? what are the social determinants of health? uhhhhhhh seriously?!). I always complain about year 1 uni not being hard or in-depth enough, but then I dont study enough, get an average mark and hence look like i'm talking out of my backside!
But I really can't bring myself to 'study' the definitions of discrimination and marginalisation. I'm sorry if I'm being elitist, but are these things not assumed knowledge? Or common sense?
So to relieve myself of aforementioned moronic revision, I turned to fashion, music and fashion blogs (Oh and a few chocolate cookies and wine).

I absolutely love this song, it's a good one for singing too, since Dinah and I have similar range.

This girl is gorrrgeous, she has a blog called 'Karla's Closet', which I have fondled with my eyes quite lavishly.
The Satorialist has also come up, and I love the old vintage photos that get sent in.

More to come...